Your Call

Your Call

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Hazim . 20. Ipoh . Malaysia

Friday, July 4, 2014

If i can turn back the time ....

Masa berlalu dengan cepat sekali . Sekarang dah sampai ramadhan . Lain rasanya puasa seorang nie . Sebelum nie aku buka ada orang wish , sahur ada orang gerak kan . Tp tu semua dulu la . Sekarang dah tak sama dah . Dia dah bahagia dengan hidupnya tapi aku masih macam nie lagi . Susah nak terima kenyataan . Mula mula aku ingat aku masih berpeluang tapi malang nya .... maknya dah campur tangan dalam hal nie . Kalau la dia sedar apa yang dia buat tu salah dan perlu diperbetulkan , kan bagus macam tu . Aku rindu sangat dia yang dulu . Sedih , pilu , terkilan semua ada dalam hati nie  Dan kalau la aku dapat betulkan keadaan nie balik , aku janji aku akan betulkan segala yang silap . Aku tak boleh tgk dia bahagia dgn org lain . Kalaulah dia faham perasaan aku , kan bagus ...

I really miss you and i want you to know , even i always scold you , mad at you , thats not mean i hate you , i dont love you . Thats only your feeling . You know me better than other . I miss your manja , i miss your smile , i miss everything about you . I hope you also will feel the same what i feel right now . We were together through all the happy and pain . People dont know how hard was our life . We do . I know my weakness . I know i have nothing . I dont have money , i dont have cars but i do have love and attention . I can give all those to you . I really hope you realize my sacrifice for our relationship . If you always think my bad and you will not remember about my kind . Thats a human being . Many  people always do that . I do really miss you , i do really miss our memories . Our memories never end . Remember that my sweet girl :(